Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

How deep is your love

I know your eyes in the morning sun
I feel you touch me in the pouring rain
and the moment that you wander far from me
I wanna feel you in my arms again.

And you come to me on a summer breeze
keep me warm in your love then you softly leave me
and it's me you need to show
how deep is your love

How deep is your love?
I really mean to learn
'Cause we're living in a world of fools
breaking us down when they all should let us be
we belong to you and me
I believe in you

I believe in you
you know the door to my very soul
you're the light in my deepest darkest hour
you're my saviour when I come

And you may not think that I care for you
when you know down inside that I really do
and it's me you need to show
How deep is your love?

How deep is your love?
I really mean to learn
'Cause we're living in a world of fools
breaking us down when they all should let us be
we belong to you and me
I believe in you

I really mean to learn
'Cause we're living in a world of fools
Breaking us down when they all should let us be
We belong to you and me
I believe in you...

I woke up today, stronger than yesterday. Facing my fears and wiping my tears. I'm ready to pass the day. Learning to live again
I see myself as a crayon. I may not be your favorite color but I know someday you will need me to
Happiness doesn't depend on what you have. It depends on how you feel about what you have.

who is she?

Shall I tell you this? hahahha. she was a small child. but he approached the people who really I loved. you would know who he is! LOL. I think she was not pretty and not very interesting. but why is he so confident? yes, he (The man who was coming near) was good at attracting the attention of women, the weight to be recognized but I'm jealous. I'm no match for you, kid. she was at school with him, it makes me more furious. whether she likes him? hahahaha. of course she has a facebook, I'd love to share her link. but I'm afraid his friends would open this blog. so this is for privacy. maybe one of you know who he is......

it's sunday :D

This is a song for this week. Submit your life to God and He will help all your problems..

Jalan Hidupku Tak Selalu
Tanpa Kabut Yang Pekat
Namun Kasih-Mu Nyata Padaku
Pada Waktu-Mu Yang Tepat

Seperti Pelangi Sehabis Hujan
Itulah Janji Setia-Mu Tuhan
Di Balik Dukaku Telah Menanti
Harta Yang Tak Ternilai Dan Abadi

Mungkin Langit Pun Tak Terlihat
Tertutup Awan Tebal
Namun Hatiku Kan Tetap Kuat
Oleh Janji-Mu Yang Kekal

Seperti Pelangi Sehabis Hujan
Itulah Janji Setia-Mu Tuhan
Di Balik Dukaku Telah Menanti
Harta Yang Tak Ternilai Dan Abadi

Seperti biasa di hari Minggu, aku akan selalu berfoto dengan teman-temanku. Dan ini adalah hasilnya: 


well, hari ini pembubaran panitia. semoga makan-makannya enak hahahhaa., 
pembuatan novel tetap berlanjut, aku berharap banget novel ini bisa jadi, terima kasih :)

Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010


Waiting for your call, I'm sick, call I'm angry 
call I'm desperate for your voice 
Listening to the song we used to sing 
In the car, do you remember 
Butterfly, Early Summer 
It's playing on repeat, Just like when we would meet
Like when we would meet 

Cause I was born to tell you I love you 
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine 
Stay with me tonight 

Stripped and polished, I am new, I am fresh 
I am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh 
Cause every breath that you will take 
when you are sitting next to me 
will bring life into my deepest hopes, What's your fantasy? 
(What's your, what's your, what's your...)

Cause I was born to tell you I love you 
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine 
Stay with me tonight 

And I'm tired of being all alone, and this solitary moment makes me want to come back home 
(I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have) 

Cause I was born to tell you I love you 
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine 
Stay with me tonight 

Cause I was born to tell you I love you 
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine 
Stay with me tonight 
(I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)



punya mantan itu gak enak. banyak orang bilang gitu tapi menurut gue punya mantan itu enak karena gue punya kisah lain tentang mantan. emang putusnya udah lama tapi gue masih deket sama dia kalau bahasa gaylnya itu TTM atau Teman Tapi Mesra..

"Iya aku lagi siap-siap berangkat sekolah nih.. Kamu pulang jam berapa hari ini?" pesan Arya pun dikirimkan kepada mantannya, Lina. Tak berapa lama pesan balasan pun sudah diterima Arya.

"Aku balik jam 4an, cape banget deh kalau tiap hari gini! Huuhhh.." Arya membaca nya dengan malas-malasan..

"Oh yaudah deh kamu belajar aja, aku mau bawa motor soalnya.. Nanti malem aku sms lagi, oke bye" pesan pun terkirim.

Lina yang menerima pesan itu hanya menatap kosong layar handphonenya.. sudah sekitar 5 bulan Arya dan Lina memutuskan hubungan mereka, namun Lina masih memegang teguh janji yang sudah diucapkan oleh Arya. Dengan perlahan Lina kembali menaruh handphonenya dan kembali memperhatikan pelajaran yang sudah sedari tadi dia abaikan..

Maaf ya Lin, gue gak bisa jujur sama lo.. Gue jenuh kayak gini terus, gue pengen suasana baru. Ucap Arya dalam hatinya dan bersiap untuk berangkat sekolah. Arya dan Lina memang sempat melakukan LDR atau Long Distance Relationship tapi itu tidak bertahan lama karena Arya memilih untuk mengakhiri hubungan mereka..

"Ya, nanti kita latihan band ya! kita mantepin lagi nih lagu-lagu kita gue pengen banget rekaman tahun ini.." ucap Nico teman baik Arya, dia adalah vokalis band Fisrt Day Cover (FDC), band yang sudah beberapa bulan ini mereka bentuk..

"Oke atur ajalah gue siap kapan aja hehehe.." lanjut Arya tak lepas dari handphonenya..

"Eh gue ngomong denger dong lo malah main handphone! parah banget lo." kata Nico sedikit ketus..

"Sory co, gue lagi PDKT nih sama cewek hehehe." kata Arya nyengir mencoba menjelaskan..

"Cewe? siapa? Cewek yang waktu itu lo bawa kesini gimana? siapa itu namanya? Lina! iya Lina. dia cewe lo kan?" Tanya Nico penasaran..

"Hahahaha gue lupa bilang yah? gue udah putus tau sama dia 5 bulan yang lalu!"

"Gila! mantep juga ya lo, hilang satu tumbuh seribu. gue bagi-bagi dong kalo masih ada hahahha"

"Iya dong gue bosen sih sama dia.. sip gue banyak kenalan nanti gue kasih nomer teleponnya.." kata Arya


my new blog

tadaaa! I finally made a new blog! the old blog never update again. On this blog I will mostly write about the stories. Because I wanted to be a writer .. so follow my account and give your comments, merci!! :D